During that time of no blogging, we traveled through Beaver Creek, Yukon, Haines Junction, Yukon, back to Whitehorse, and to Junction 37, where the forest fires were. We waited 24 hours to be escorted through the fires - that was quite amazing! Finally we got to Hyder, AK and unfortunately, with a low fish count, we didn't get to see any grizzlies. We did see black bears. From Hyder, we shot down to 100 Mile House (B.C.) to where the trailer's brakes and bearing were to be checked, and to fix the motor for the bunk beds. BUT - about 51 miles north of there, we had a major blowout. It caused quite a bit of damage to the trailer (not to mention the tire). Now we are home, after spending much of the day at the trailer repair place.
For anyone who is interested in numbers, we were gone 50 days, and traveled 7,531 miles. Too soon to tell the cost - although very expensive. There were so many unplanned events in this trip, it has been amazing. We thank all who have followed this blog - for your thoughts, for your prayers, for being interested.