Today (day 41)- After sleeping in for a bit we left Beaver Creek heading toward Haines Junction. As we were driving for about an hour we saw several people pulled over and it turns out there was a large grizzly bear. We couldn't get very good pictures of it because it wasn't showing his face.

On our way to Haines Junction we stopped at this small town called Burwash. In Burwash they had the worlds largest gold pan.

We arrived in Haines Junction at about 2:45pm and it was a great disappointment. First of all thanks to the inadament object Susan our GPS and google maps... We got lost... On a gravel road with no turn around's. We tried using this small patch of sod dust and bark to turn around and even though it was not very smart or safe our father mastered this almost impossible turn... Infact he turned so well that we just turned in a full circle and turned back to the same direction we were going.

We ended up finding a turn around place a little farther down the road in some type of yard with tall weeds, Matt had to walk ahead heroically to make sure there were no steep hills, death defying cliffs.. or pot holes. Thankfully with Matt's heroic walk there was nothing bad and we were able to turn around safely!
Second of all. The RV park, if you can call it that, was a dump. We are at a loss of words of how miserable it looked. The bright and wonderful side of this town was that was a nice catholic church that we wanted to attend but turns out since we weren't staying there we couldn't.

We also saw a cute squirrel scamper up a tree in Haines Junction Visitors center.

After Realizing what a disaster Haines Junction really was we decided to keep on moving and we ended up staying in Whitehorse where we are currently spending the night.
Four weeks ago today we were in Whitehorse. Seems like a lifetime ago. Love and miss you guys. You are actually on page 4 of the itinerary. Hope you are able to figure out your way around the forest fires, and that you can still see the bears in Hyder/Stewart . This site http://bcwildfire.ca/hprScripts/WildfireNews/OneFire.asp?ID=377 has some good info on the fires.