Wednesday, June 16, 2010

4 days to go

Wow - it is amazing to realize that we are just 4 days out from our departure. Today, my parents arrived from Florida. They usually come up in the summer, and usually we get to be here to enjoy time with them. But, this year, they are staying in our home while we travel. Hopefully they will stay for a while after we return, so that we can enjoy at least some time with them this summer.

So, we continue to work on packing. A little more each day. There is seemingly always something to get done. We still have to get clothes packed, as well as perishable foods. Then there are all the toiletries, etc. I know it will all pull together! As of yesterday, we officially closed the office for the summer. Not accepting messages, got our machine set saying we are *North to Alaska!* Then there is the truck. Vince is working on making sure that it is all ready to go! Continuing the countdown!


  1. WOW Jen how fun is that
    I did not know you blogged on blogspot!! '
    I have 10 blogs here Lol
    Love blogging
    Anyhow you have FUN on your trip so cool. Is it you and the whole family or are some staying back with your parents?


  2. you should blog your trip how cool would that be... pics and stories a little each day.. Just a thought
